خطب العيد

Consolidated Sermon of the Blessed Eid al-Adha (Greater Barium)

I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan

In the name of Allah the Merciful, the Compassionate

The Commission of Ansar Affairs for Call and Guidance – Sudan

Consolidated Sermon of the Blessed Eid al-Adha (Greater Barium)

Saturday 10 Zul Hijjah 1443 AH, corresponding to 9 July 2022

Delivered by H.E. Dr. Abdulmahmoud Abou, Secretary General, The Commission of Ansar Affairs for Call and Guidance – Sudan

((And say, praise be to Allah, Who has not taken a son and did not have a partner in the supreme power, nor has He any helper (protector) through dependence. And magnify Him with all magnificence ))Qur’an-Al-Isra: 17:111

Allah is the greatest Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest. Praise be to Allah.

(Praise be to Allah, Who has created the heavens and the earth, and has appointed darkness and light. Yet, those who disbelieve in their Lord ascribe rivals to their Lord.) Qur’an-Al-Anaam: 6:1

 I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, who is alone, with no associate; to Him belongs sovereignty and praise. He has power over everything. I witness that our master Muhammad is His servant and Messenger, and that conveyed the message, fulfilled the trust, advised the nation, revealed distress, erased darkness, and struggled for the sake of Allah in the best manner till he peacefully died. May Allah’s peace and blessing be upon our Messenger, his family and illustrious companions all.

The Almighty said: (Indeed, We have given you abundance (Al-Kuthar), so pray to your Lord and sacrifice. Indeed, it is your insulter ( and not you ) ansarsudan.orgwho is without posterity). Qur’an-Al-Kuthar: 108:1-3

My beloved members of the Commission and my brothers – citizens of our dear homeland:

On this great day, we are extremely glad to commemorate the memory of the father of the prophets, Ibrahim Al-Khalil and his family: (his son Ismail, and his wife Hajar). This family and its narration were associated with the Sacred House of Allah, the first house placed for people in Bakkah (Makkah), as blessing  and a guidance to the worlds. Strange enough, Ibrahim (Ibraham)  was ordered by his Lord (Allah) to take his wife and offspring , his beloved son , to this barren valley; and he implemented Allah’ order and called (Our Lord! Indeed, I have settled some of my posterity in uncultivable valley near to Your Holy House, our Lord! That they establish proper worship; so incline some hearts of men that they yearn towards them, and that You kindly provide them, with fruits in order that they may be thankful) Qur’an- Ibrahim: 14:37

My beloved members of the Ansar Commission and my brothers – citizens of our dear homeland:

On this day, we are inspired by the following meanings:

First: God has enjoined Hajj on us to commemorate the father of the prophets and to underline that the origin or core of religion is monotheism, (The religion of your father Abraham (is yours) who named you Muslims) Qur’an-Al-Hajj: 22:78 . The biography of Hebron, his son Ishmael and Lady Hagar, -peace be upon them-, is closely linked to the holiest place for Muslims, the Sacred House. Likewise, The Kaaba, Zamzam, Al-Safa, Al-Marwa, the Maqam of Abraham, the Stone of Ismael, Arafat, Mina and Al-Mashar Al-Haram are sacred sanctuaries that stand as symbols for  specific meanings that will perpetually remain  as long as time goes on.

Second: Hajj in Islam is a spiritual tourism across time and place to renew faith and purify from sins and to make sure that the origin of man is one, as in the Prophet Hadith (you are all offspring of Adam and Adam was created from clay). During Hajj season, Muslims gather from all corners of the world, with different sizes, colours, ethnicities, languages, but despite this they wear united unstitched white uniform, facing one Qibla, and they stand equal on the basis of the Almighty’s saying: (O people! Indeed, We have created you from a single male and female soul, and have made you nations and tribes that you know one another. Indeed, the most righteous of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct) Qur’an-Al-Hijrat: 49:13

Hajj is obligatory on the Muslim if he is physically fit and that he can afford it financially and the route is secure. The Almighty said: (And pilgrimage to the Holiest House (in Makah) is a duty to Allah for (all) people who can afford the journey). Qur’an-Al-Imran: 3:97

Third: Worship in Islam achieves three objectives:

The first objective:  To help the servants of Allah submit to their Creator, and comply with His commands, on the basis of love, not on that of oppression, as described in expressive poetic verses by the worshiper the ascetic Rabia al-Adawiya who sincerely, faithfully, and passionately sought   to gain the love and satisfaction of Allah, declaring that this was her sole intention and paying no attention to any other individual since she gained the desired pleasure of Allah, her Creator.

The second objective: This is intended to acculturate and educate man on uprightness and integrity. The Almighty said: “Pilgrimage is (in) the well-known months, and whoever is minded to perform the pilgrimage therein (let him remember that) there is ( to be) no lewdness nor abuse nor angry conversation on pilgrimage) Qur’an-Al-Baqara: 2:197

The third objective: This focuses on the sublimity of the human soul and its liberation from the inclination towards lusts and animal traits as well as nature of mud. The reason behind this is to raise this human soul to the level of real taste and actual presence   in compliance with the submissive supplication of the Imam Mahdi of Sudan who said ” O My Lord help us taste the sweetness of believing in You and purify inner parts of our hearts so that we do appreciate the real beauty of the Holy Qur’an. 

Fourth: Eid is a season of joy and pleasure, eating and drinking, as well as a renewal of social relations between people. Furthermore, Eid prayer is manifestation for the strength of Muslims and unity of their ranks. It is indeed an amicable social demonstration that is intended to achieve certain apparent objectives we do appreciate and other ones we don’t even know.

The Eid occasion is a day of peace, forgiveness, mercy, visits and solidarity. The Lord of Glory manifests Himself in this particular day and forgives sins of all His faithful servants, except for those who are not in good terms with each other’s.

Fifth: The slaughter of sacrifice animal is a commemoration of the sacrifice of Ismail, peace be upon him, and a sacrifice for man, and provision of adequate meat for our children and the needy. The rules governing this sacrificial animal were illustrated in the books of Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh), the most important of which were that slaughter should take place after performance of Eid prayer and that the animal should be free of commercial selling defects and finally that it is not permissible to either sell its meat or skin or give them as a rent to the butcher who carries the slaughter of the animal. However, Al-Bara Ibn Azib narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), was asked: “What types of sacrificial animals shall we avoid?” He said four, projecting four fingers of his hand, specifying that these includes: the lame one whose ribs are clear, the one with clear cross-eye, the one who is sick whose disease is noticeable, and the very thin one, which is without fat and adequate meat and marrow. It is Sunnah for the one offering the sacrificial animal and his family members to eat from its meat and give part of it as charity (Sadaqa) to the needy. However, it is permissible for the said individual to retain the meat of his sacrificial animal if does not know that there is a needy person. We have to stress that the process of offering of sacrificial animal is based on one’s financial ability and that it is affordable to him. However, it is impermissible for an individual to burden himself if he cannot afford it; and that he should not slaughter the animal for just observing that social customs that pressure individual to do it so that he does not appear before people that he is unable!? Poverty is not a defect because it’s destined by Allah. Generally speaking, offering sacrificial animals like other benevolent deeds necessitates sincerity. Allah says (Their flesh and their blood reach not Allah, but your piety reaches Him. Thus We have made  them subject to you that  may magnify  Allah  that He has guided you And hive  good tidings (O Muhammad) to  the good) Qur’an- Al-Hajj: 22:37

Dear distinguished brothers, we have to do a lot of remembrance of Allah’s name, glorifying, and supplication during the days of Eid, which are days of response (Indeed, your Lord has puffs of mercy in your life; you are encouraged to expose yourselves to them, perhaps a wave of such mercy will fall on you, so that you will never be distressed afterwards.

In conclusion of this part of the sermon, I read this Hadith. Abu Hurairah-(May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that Allah said ,” I have prepared for my servants that never seen by any eye or heard by any ear or struck the heart of any human being . Then read what you like; that no soul knows the eye-satisfying reward hidden for it”

 I sincerely beseech Allah to forgive you and me.

Second part of the sermon

Praise be to Allah, the Noble Sovereign, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad and his family.

The Almighty said: (Till , when the messengers despaired  and thought that they were denied, then came to them ,  and whomever We  would, was saved, . And our wrath cannot be warded from the guilty). Qur’an- Yousuf:12:110

My beloved members of Ansar Commission and my brothers citizens of my dear homeland:

Countries are invaluable trust on the shoulders of their citizens, who preserve their unity, protect their soil, cultivate their land, develop their resources, and respect the will of their people. These are the components of good patriotism. Our righteous predecessors were entrusted with the country. They sacrificed their lives cheaply for both the liberation of the country and its unity and the preservation of the dignity of its people. In fact, they recorded the most wonderful championships in the fields of honor to defeat colonialism. History is witness to that in the battles of first Aba Al-Oula, Fashoda, Qadeer, Obaid, and Bara, Shikan, the conquest of Khartoum, al-Nakhilah, Toshki, and al-Qalabat, as well as  the battles of the east led by Prince Othman Digna,  and  Karari(which , the then British Commander of the battle  late Lord Kitchener wrote in his handwritten battle  report describing the unique bravery of Asara(They unflinchingly met their death; we haven’t defeated them but destroyed them. This document was published by the famous Sudanese historian Retired Major Ismat Hassan Zulfu, in His book on Karari battle) and Umm Dibaikrat, in which the Caliph of the Mahdi and those with him presented the most wonderful scene the state was gone, but the call remained lofty, and its enemies were like butterflies, whenever they attempted to distinguish its fire, they were attracted to it and burned up and  that the call disseminated. In Shakaba battle, the Caliph Sharif and his companions were martyred as an extension of those who preceded them in the path of jihad and martyrdom. The fathers carried the flag and achieved independence without cracking or splitting in their solid rank. Although the means differed, but the objective remained always the same: which is the defend of religion and the homeland, and preserving human dignity. This scene was portrayed by Mr. Ukair, a poet from of al-Damir city, addressing the late Imam Abd al-Rahman, applauding both the jihad of Al-Mahdi with the sword against his opponents as imposed on him compared with the soft jihad, coupled with wisdom, kindness and guidance adopted by late Imam Abd Al-Rahman, serving the same objective but with adoption of different means.

However, when our country was afflicted with dictatorships, the heirs of patriotism did not surrender. Rather, they confronted the dictators by all legitimate means and made sacrifices in the peaceful protes held  in March, in the Mawlid, and in Aba al-Thania, Wadnoubawi, Shaaban, Rajab April and in the secret disappearance titled (That you may be guided). In the very recent days, we witnessed the passage of the 46th anniversary of the July 1976 armed movement, in which the youth of Sudan, the components of the National Front, offered their pure souls as a sacrifice for the homeland and the preservation of dignity. That movement was the fuel of the national movement that was completed in the April/ Rajab uprising, with the overthrow of the May regime and the return of democracy and national dignity.

My beloved members of Ansar Commission and my brothers citizens of my dear homeland:

The blood of the martyrs that was shed on the soil of the homeland throughout  history and was renewed on the 30th of last June reminds us of the poetic verse  (that the homelands in the blood of every free person have a hand of service and a debt that is due).

The steadfastness and courage of the youth in the face of oppression and tyranny assure us that the spirit of redemption is in force in the blood of grandchildren, just as their predecessors, and that it was vividly portrayed who were described by the poet Wad Saad, who described the famous gallant and fearless hero Al-Noor Angara, who was indeed a dose of poison for the enemies and ready to bravery fight  and die but Allah destined that he was not to die in such fierce battle.

 My beloved members of Ansar Commission and my brothers  citizens of my dear homeland:

 The movement currently experienced by our country indicates that the spirit of patriotism flows in this generation, and that this scramble between truth and falsehood is a distinction between the ranks; as the majority of the Sudanese people sided with freedom, human dignity, and civil rule, and expressed their dissastisfaction with were not satisfied with totalitarianism, whatever its justifications. There are those who are biased towards totalitarianism and only live in its shadow. However, in the end, truth will triumph over falsehood, no matter how long the journey takes.

The national crisis of Sudan has expanded, branched and complicated. Since the twenty-fifth of last October, many events have taken place, and we heard different conflicting speeches???///////////from here and there, but the crisis kept getting worse every day. This is unfortunately represented in the loss of innocent lives, disruption of the state’s smooth running wheel, a horrible decline in the value of the local currency, complete paralysis in all facilities, insecurity, hiking  prices, and  finally a general state of frustration suffered by a great segment of people. It  has become apparent to those who launched the  25 October 2021 coupe???// attempt that the people of Sudan won’t be ruled against their will, and that the era of guardianship is over, and that the international community stands with the people’s choice. However, the launchers of the coup  have failed to achieve the objectives they claimed as justifications that encouraged them to put in practice the idea of the coup, and that the situation has worsened.

My beloved members of Ansar Commission and my brothers citizens of my dear homeland:

On the thirtieth of June 2022, the Sudanese people took to streets in roaring peaceful rallies demanding the withdrawal of the army from politics and the return of civilian rule. However, these peaceful rallies, protests and demonstrations were confronted with the excessive use of violence, resulting in the death of many innocent souls as martyrs and injury of others. We supplicate Allah to shower His infinite mercy on the souls of the martyrs, and we supplicate Him to grant the wounded speedy recovery. Furthermore, we demand a fair investigation into all the murder crimes  that have occurred since the twenty-fifth of last October until now, and that the perpetrators be brought to a fair judiciary.

As expected, the demonstrations of the thirtieth of June 2022 moved the events, and that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces issued a statement confirming the withdrawal of the army from the dialogue that is taking place with politicians and the formation of a higher defense council led by the army and rapid support forces. Furthermore, he called on civilians to dialogue among themselves to form a civilian government, and the conclusions of their agreement, will be binding on the armed forces to implement. The Reactions to the contents of the  speech of  the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces varied between supporters and opponents, and those taking reserving positions.

The supporters of the speech of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces are mostly supporters of the coup and supporters of the former regime, and some non-political citizens who are fed up with the political conflict and are looking forward to a stable political system that addresses the crises of the homeland and the hardship of living.

 Those who oppose the speech include the Forces of  Freedom and Change- the Central Council, the Resistance Committees, and the rebellious youth; They considered it a continuation of the previous positions of the military component after the deliberate storming of the sit-in was dispersed,  attitudes  following October 25, 2021 coup, and incidents that followed  the Burhan -Hamdok agreement. Moreover, they considered it a mere political maneuver that bets on the differences among civilians upon  which the military component intends to capitalize and takes them as justification for the complete seizure of power.

Those, who adopt preserving positions, are of the opinion that the speech is ambiguous; as it did not specify what was meant by the political forces involved in the dialogue to form a civilian government, and it did not specify what is meant by the withdrawal of the army from the dialogue, whether it is a withdrawal from the political scene or just a withdrawal from the dialogue. Likewise, the statement was not founded on a constitutional basis or arrangement from which it derives its power, and that it was issued unilaterally and was not issued as a result of dialogue and consensus.

My beloved members of Ansar Commission and my brothers citizens of my dear homeland

Patriotism requires leaders of political action to transcend closed marginal positions and deal with the flexibility that enables them to address all events, by   recalling experience to take advantage of any  small opening that can be expanded to achieve national goals,  as life is based on mutual repelling: Allah says: (And if Allah had not repelled some  people by others, the earth would have been corrupted).Qur’an-Al-Baqarah:2:251

Based on the foregoing, we say the following:

First: A climate of mistrust still dominates the political scene; therefore, every procedure that takes place under it is subject to doubts, suspicions, and the interpretation of intentions. Thus, what is required are actions to restore confidence between the parties and the required measures  for such actions are: lifting the state of emergency, releasing all detainees, stopping the use of excessive violence in the confrontation of peaceful expression of political positions, and canceling all measures that took place after the twenty-fifth of last October coup.

Second: In light of the crisis climate, the procedures should be carried out based on a consensus among the concerned parties, according to an agreed-upon road map, and that no unilateral position is issued to avoid the language of guardianship and mistrust.

Third: It is required to take measures that answer the questions raised by those who pity the country, dispel doubts, confirm both  response to the legitimate demands of the people in achieving civilian rule, the subordination of military organs to the civilian rule chosen by the people, and protect the constitution approved by the Sudanese people with their free will.

Fourth: Sudan has tried all the political systems of governance , and that it  suffered as a result backwardness due to mismanagement and lack of awareness of significance of such mismanagement and the lurking?? ???? of the country’s  enemies.; It is high time that Sudan broke free from such constraints and overcome all obstacles to be a model for a free and stable country that treats all its citizens fairly on the basis of citizenship and competition for positions according to qualification. This can only be achieved by healing the wounds, overcoming the wrongdoing, and agreeing on a rational system of governance based on popular participation, equality, justice, dignity and the rule of law. Allah says ( We desired to show favour to  those who were oppressed  in the earth, and to make them examples  and to make  the inheritors, and  to establish them in the earth, and  to show Pharaoh and Haman and their  hosts that  which they feared from them)Qur’an-Al-Qasas 28:5

Fifth: The current state of deadlock in Sudan is the direct cause of the difference between the military component and the political incubator, but  that difference was nourished by many aspects, the most significant of which comprise: first- the shortcomings  that accompanied the transitional period and that we have detailed them in the last Eid Al-Fitr sermon; second , the non-acceptance of the other; third, the dictatorship tendency of  both certain military and civilian  leaders ; fourth, malicious foreign interventions; fifth, dominance of private agenda over the national ones; six, lack of experience of many of those who took office, seven, the extension of the transitional period, and finally the emergence of all national crises simultaneously.

Sixth: Preserving the country requires concessions from everyone, a review of positions, with a views to reaching a compromise solution that addresses the concerns of all parties, preserves the principles that the Sudanese have sacrificed to achieve, identifies the procedures required to preserve the transitional period from deviation, and arranges agreement on a road map to implement what is agreed upon according to specific dates. Allah has servants if they want, He does.

Seventh: Among the threats to the country are the  civil wars, racist tendencies, uncontrolled security practices, moral disintegration, and the exploitation of freedom for practices that clash with good social values ​​and norms. We are all required to guard the paths of truth and to preserve our values ​​and the teachings of our religion  secure for us the good in this world and victory in the hereafter.

My beloved members of Ansar Commission and my brothers citizens of my dear homeland

We salute our people in the displacement and refugee camps, the victims of the war in Darfur and South Kordofan, and all those affected by the war in other provinces and regions Sudan. We demand that it is necessary to address the causes that displaced them and work hard to achieve peace with the armed movements so that the people may enjoy peace and security

My beloved members of Ansar Commission and my brothers citizens of my dear homeland

The security situation in our country has  tremendously deteriorated due to the tribal fighting, civil wars, and the activities of the uncontrolled armed elements in the cities. This requires the  authorities concerned with maintaining security to redouble their efforts to stop the security deterioration and restore peace, order  and stability to the citizens. The living conditions have reached an intolerable degree of deterioration, as the relevant United Nations organizations have stated that the poverty situation in Sudan has affected more than fifteen million people, the high prices and the increase in the unemployment rate, the high cost of production inputs and  autumn has begun, an act that threatens to cause further deterioration and the occurrence of serious famine in the country. All the above requires that we should expedite the solution of the crisis of governance as this will help address other the deepening crises.

My beloved members of Ansar Commission and my brothers citizens of my dear homeland

??///// On this great day, we send four  messages to all parties reminding them of their national responsibilities and duties towards their people and their country, because reminding benefits the believers.

The first message: To our people in the conflict areas in Darfur, Kordofan, and all the states that have been plagued by tribal conflicts; Allah created people as nations and tribes so that know  each other and cooperate in righteousness and piety, not to fight and differ, so all of you are for Adam and Adam from clay.

The second message: to the military component; All developed countries have armed forces, police forces, security services and rapid intervention forces; All of them operate in accordance with the constitution approved by the people and are subject to the civilian authority chosen by the people. The military component is required to transform the decision to stay away from politics into a concrete reality that confirms that the armed forces have  discharged themselves of any irrelevant activities and devoted themselves  to solely performing the function stipulated for them in all democratic constitutions, which is to defend the homeland, preserve the constitution and respect the will of the peoples.

The third message: To the civil component in all its sectors, especially the political forces; The national responsibility requires you to unite your words, gather your ranks, and agree on a detailed road map to manage the transitional period away from exclusion and monopoly except those who were corrupt and committed crime pertaining to the country. You are course aware that conflicts have paralyzed our country. It is high time for unity of words and to gather the ranks to overcome the challenges confronting our country.

The fourth message: To the youth, you are half of the present and all of the future. Your fathers and families testify to your success and bravery your valor, your bravery, and your revolution tendency that toppled the former dictatorial regime. Your are the gardians of the country from any snatchingand guards of the democratic civilian rule from any deviation or falsification.  You have to abide by the noble values ​​that united you in the December revolution and embodied them in the sit-in square and raised them as a slogan of the revolution (freedom, peace and justice). You have to observe these values ​​in all your movements in peace, justice and rational freedom of expression. The future is for you if behave properly and preserve it with due knowledge, ethics, proper planning that protects lives from wastage and property and infrastructure from destruction.

Let us all unite for the sake of Sudan and that is enough.

My beloved members of Ansar Commission

The Supreme Committee formed by the Shura and the elderly Council in the Ansar Affairs Authority has organized regular meetings to lay down the required arrangements for holding the second general conference. The Committee will write to all states and sends its representatives to elucidated the steps required for  the basic conferences  in the localities and States. After that, there should be determination of the number of representatives required to be elevated from each State as per the percentage of Ansars each State. The above procedure also applies to the professional, youth, women, the diaspora groups sectors , and all components of society.

It was observed that the local social media have actively and widely tackled the issue of the new Imam of Ansar who is expected to be chosen as the successor to the late Al-Haqqani (Sayed  Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi) , may Allah reset his soul in Paradise and grant him mercy and forgiveness. However, I would to make it clear to everyone that the subject of the Imam, how to nominate him, the conditions that he must meet, and the body entrusted with his nomination and all other relevant matters are adequately explained in the basic guide of the Ansar Affairs Commission and the Imamate newspaper issued by the commission. Therefore, any talk about the Imam now is premature and baseless. For, this matter will be decided by the second General Conference, which has the exclusive right in this matter when it convenes.

My beloved members of Ansar Commission and my brothers citizens of my dear homeland

The Russian war on Ukraine put the international community on test, and put the United Nations in a critical position, as its charter stipulates in Article 1 the following: “Maintaining international peace and security, and to this end the Commission shall take effective joint measures to prevent and remove threats to peace, and suppress all kinds of aggression and others aspects of breaches with peacefulness , and invoked by peaceful means in accordance with the principles of justice and international law, to resolve or settle international disputes that lead to a breach of the peace. However, we have noticed one of the great powers; Rather, a permanent member state of the Security Council violates this principle and violates the sovereignty of another country that is a member of the United Nations, yet the United Nations is unable to stop the aggression.

The year is affected by the Russian war on Ukraine affected all countries, and we are part of them, as Ukraine is one of the most countries in the production of wheat and energy. We beseech Allah to guide the warring parties to stop hostilities and end this war.

The Israeli occupation of Palestine was carried out with the complicity of the West, and the duplicity was evident in the international community’s dealings with the occupation. We demand the reform of the United Nations and its justice institutions to do justice to the oppressed. However, we salute the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and those stationed in Jerusalem for their position of rejecting the Zionist occupation, and thus they affirm that the right is not lost as long as there are individuals demanding it.

My beloved members of Ansar Commission and my brothers citizens of my dear homeland

I happily felicitate you on the occasion of the blessed Eid, as the occasion is a day of forgiveness, purity and recovery, so forgive each other , purify your hearts;  and remember a day when neither money nor children will benefit except those who come to God with a malice-free heart. Oh Allah, remove from us the affliction, the epidemic, the high prices and the superiority of the enemies; O Allah, relieve our anguish, cover our faults, and make best our salvation, and seal our activities with good deeds. Oh Allah, grant our sick people speedy recovery, and grant our dead people mercy and protect our country from overt and covert seditions (Fitna) and save the blood of its citizens from shedding, and establish for it good governance. O , Allah count us among your righteous servants whom you will reward with enjoining the privilege of drinking their fresh and sweet water  from the  flowing  whom rivers in your paradise of bliss, supplicating Allah Almighty, and their greeting is peace and their last call is praise  be to Allah , the Lord of the Universe.

Many happy returns

Peace and blessing be upon you .

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